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Virtual Regatta Club House


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Posts posted by Jemay

  1. Ni l'une ni l'autre mais sur les pas d'une apprentie Druidesse. Né de la forêt, conçu par magie, Ananxis est Druide. Les animaux, les minéraux lui ont parlé et n'ont plus de secrets pour lui. Mais son âme risque de s'évanouir à jamais dans l'attente du réveil s'il ne transmet pas son savoir : il doit léguer tous les arcanes de sa science. Il a choisi de les confier à l'une de ses élèves, Arthmaëla. Pour devenir Druidesse, son chemin est encore long. Elle doit accomplir son voyage initiatique et trouver

  2. 3 minutes ago, mimil 88 said:

    Je crois bien qu'à part JJ tout le monde se fout un peu de savoir qui est Thula non?

    Ca serait pas ma copine C..... félicitée?

    Si tu te fout un peu, pourquoi tu poses des questions alors ?

  3. 2 hours ago, lorenzoe said:

    Dear Virtual Regatta Team,

    I would like to start by introducing myself, my name is Lorenzo Errani, I am a 21 year old boy who has been using your mobile and web app for a long time now. I must commend you for creating such a realistic experience that respects all  physical and regulatory rules in a regatta. Ever since the beginning of the Covid-19 situation me along with all members of my sailing club "amici della Vela" in Cervia-Milano Marittima (Italy) haven’t been able to organize regattas so me and Roberto Valzania took the initiative to organize virtual regattas with all members of the club every week utilizing your app. Soon other clubs joined the events which led local newspapers (RavennaToday) to talk about them. Seeing the great success I decided to write this email to ask if it was possible to add the possibility of using the sailboat class j24 with its set of regulations as it is the most popular and used by members of our clubs. This would motivate many more people to join and enhance our personal experience overall making this fun pass-time even more entertaining. 

    Thanks for your time
    Best regards 
    Errani Lorenzo

    this is a very nice initiative

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