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Virtual Regatta Club House


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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Thanks, I hadn't realised it was a known bug
  2. I just completed "Le Telegramme"/Tresco. When I arrived at destination, on my mobile phone, as soon as my boat touched the arrival circle, I got the in-game message saying "Race completed - waiting for approval", or something similar. At that point my position was in the order of 2000, and I put away my phone without monitoring the race any more. The morning after, the app was telling me that I was still racing, and was aground, with the boat stuck very close to the arrival, but not yet inside the circe. My position at that point had slipped to 6000+. I managed to get the boat sailing again and complete (again) the race. My question is, why did I get that message in the first place that told me I had arrived? The bow of the boat was indeed touching the circle, is it enough or shall the whole boat pass the mark?
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