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Virtual Regatta Club House

Nick Hodshon

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. The unedessarily elaborate graphics are ruiniing this game. To update the Jamaica race takes one minuite and two left clicks .Why do we need a :- Log book, Estimated and Last Computer Position,High Priority Support,a top right box with 06h 30' in it No longer can we immediately see what is the race position of another competitor, what country they are from, I first played VR 10 years ago ,it was great fun and I met a guy in Soth Africa who had known my brother 50 years before. Subsequently he came to the UK and sailed on my yacht . A year ago we had a holiday with them in South Africa. After 5 years we both stopped V.R. because 1 . Breakdowns began happening as the graphics became incresingly complicated 2. The cost of playing had risen as had the number of players --so VR was not short of cash. Now I returned to VR 2 months ago and am getting used to the even more elaborate graphics when suddenly I am hit with the Jamaica race all these elaborate and uneccesary changes to the system. Shall I stay with VR ?
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