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Posts posted by L1

  1. Il y a 3 heures, KZ-7 a dit :

    I received an invitation yesterday. I finished 12th so I'm guessing there must have been at least a couple of qualified sailors turning down the trip.

    Great. It appears they are inviting more people that initially foreseen and i understood it is up to 8 people now. 

  2. la réponse courte c'est oui c'est "normal" .enfin c'est conforme à ce qui est dit. 

    la longue c'est :

    Une fois le quota de course atteint, seules les courses suivantes qui améliorent ta moyenne sont prises en compte.

    Mais attention les courses courues non prises en compte ont aussi un impact car elles augmentent le diviseur de ta moyenne et donc plus tu en fait, moins chaque nouvelle course impacte ta moyenne. 

    en gros : tu as une moyenne de X sur Z courses. 

    • tu fait une nouvelle course, le résultat Y est supérieur à X,  alors ta moyenne est augmentée de  (Y-X)/(Z+1) 
    • tu fait une nouvelle course, le résultat est inférieur, alors ta moyenne ne bouge pas, et devient une moyenne X sur (z+1) courses. 

    donc par exemple dans ton cas  en supposant que ta 20 éme course ait été de 3eme ( 52 pts ) 

    ta moyenne de 39,5 sur 19 courses, passe à 39,5 + (52-39,5)/20  soit, 39,5+ 0,625 soit  une moyenne de 40,12 sur 20 courses.


    pas certain que mes explications sont très claires... 

  3. Il faut avoir le mot de passe :)

    je pense que c'est un tournois/demonstration physique organisé à AArhus par world sailing, et pas ouvert au web. mais je me trompe peut être.

    my 2cts

  4. the new '15'  is just a lame bug of the rule engine.  Previously they were only effective in pre start but now they are everywhere... 

    i can cope with some minor differences with RRS provided that they are consistents. but right now it is a lottery.   

    my best one :

    both startboard,  downwind no overlap, following each other,  the forward boat jibe to port,  the following boat does not nothing and touch the port boat....  guess who get the '15' penalty... 

  5. Actually VR downgraded the maneuverability when they adjusted for the eswc. 

    I believe WS is thinking paid upgrades are only 'fair or ' color customization'' as per inaugural talk and not a must pay to win (more than 15% speed improprement - eg > 1nd ) that need 1,5year to achieve doing intense daily sailing in non paying mode.

    in truth,  this is very dodgy and questionable behaviour from a body like ISAF.



  6. well most of us would be ready to pay some fair fee to VR  ( but currently the system is indeed  a disgrace  )

    and yes i also sail one design for this very reason.  Actually epicure is the true one still currently sailing levels from tanks, as aless or coulou did pay the BIG VR tax.

    Personally i am still in between and moslty because VR's bug on first challenge  ( i had to buy some downwind to compete upwind with level 15 ) 

    anyhow vr do'nt care, so if you want to voice out your opinion, it  should be outside this forum i am afraid.


  7. Yes  there ought to be transparency on what a 'CUBE' for every improvement of each boat is really doing, and there should be consistency across user.

     It is what people are paying - big buck - for. (and now very stupidly doing it blindsided).

    There ought to be full transparency on every single race result per challenge... - and obviously for each challenge - but this is against every move VR as ever been doing.

    One should also be able to see the split of improvement for other boat.

    And sadly only sailing.org may impose it to VR,  but imho they don't have a clue of what VR is actually doing, nor do they care,  as they are proudly showing video of offshore to show inshore.





  8. i think most of us are actually active/past sailors,  and most us willing to to pay some fair fee.

    but yes people should compete equally and here it is shamefully not the case.  and it is not small money ( ~600 euros  for 4 boats ) 

    sailing.org shoudl be deeply ashamed to be "partner in crime" with VR here.

    VR can do as it please ( and will anyway ) but sailing.org should normaly have a better ethics compass here.


  9. I think most would agree especially it is rather expensive. i heard +200€ for level 15 but i may be mistaken. ( time 4... ) 

    And please people don't try to tell me its the same for real boats. ( here it is purely artificial for the solo benefit of VR  )  that there is some form of monetisation i can understand but this is shameful.

    And we are yet to see "stage 2", where new boat arrive, duration and content of f*** bucket changes,  or boat perf get devaluate (you kow virtual algua that slow you down)  and everyone is force time and time again to pay.


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