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  1. Hello, there are plenty of discord around VRI, some open, some require co-opting. One entry point would be via : www.www.playtrl.com/
  2. Hello all. Following the great add-on of Duel in Virtual Regatta Inshore, I have decided to organize the first Esailing Match Racing Cup, call the loki's Cup. that will run over the month of May. It will be organized externally from Virtual Regatta and run using Duel in VRI. In the spirit of a grade 2/3 in Match Racing. 36 players (20+ countries) are currently being selected, based on ESWC, "the let's Match" challenge, few wildcards and others constraints set, like cap per countries & good spirit. It will be organized in Round robins phase, that will then lead to a final phase. Most of the slots are already allocated but we may a have few slots open to people that loves Match Racing, provided that it suits the country's cap. So if you did not participate in the "let's match" challenge, but are a great great great fan of match racing, drop me a message. Also there are a few people I could not contact, so if you think you should have been contacted, please leave me a message too) This is a first try so i am sorry we can not allow everyone, but if its a success we will organize bigger events with more people. (so don't be sad or angry if u don't make it the first time, it could be ok on the second time) if anyone want to follow it. When all is set, and date confirmed I will push here more information on how to follow results. Also and some of the action will be available on twitch esailingtv and others twitch accounts. And some info will be also available via http://twitter.com/l1inshore thanks. L1
  3. Hello, 1) Your sailing federation need to support it ( not all do ). 2) then it should liaise with worldsailing ( they would know who there ) and onboard VR. Also it would definitly help build momentum to bootstrap events locally If you have enough people around. ( with private races its doable ) If you need any help ( ping l1inshore on twitter ). KR.
  4. Crofter I agree in the general sense, although this move *can* be legit in some situation but indeed may be risky. In this case I can only say - There is no proper course in vssr... i wish there was but... ( if so overlap would also need to be better signaled ) - Wind shadow downwind is overly shaped an overly powerful ( although its my belief they lowered it recently) so there is a reward to slow the trailing boat. - And also i am experimenting the boundaries here... so this might have been one of those. And rules are the same for all, so it may not be academic MR ( and its definitly not because of bogus rules) its close enough MR to me.
  5. Bonjour fra, as tu déjà fait du MR ? parce qu'il n'y a pas de comportement détestable, juste une ligne de départ et d'arrivée. Oui les régles VR sont parfois discutables (très discutable par endroit), ce sont néanmoins les mêmes pour les 2 concurrents et en ce moment elles ont le mérite d’être assez déterministes. Peace.
  6. tu peux essayer via le support... il se pourrait que ça marche...
  7. certains ont pu renommer ensuite leur bateau dans l'ancien nom - tu devrais essayer.
  8. Les amelioration techniques sont peu importantes en ce moment par rapport à la méteo. Je crois que ceci va etre revu bientot, et doit etre la raison pour laquelle il n'y a plus d'or dans les bidons.
  9. As said elsewhere they are working on it. I guess we all want them to go faster, and some adjustments have created new issues, but eventually it should get closer to the sailing racing rules. And at least they try to communicate more via the in-app news system. keep hope... :-)
  10. have you tried to contact the support ? they should answer eventually. because i never heard of such problem otherwise.
  11. hi mikle, 16 was there already with its 15 infamous friend for quit some time. there are adjusting rules currently and its improving globally but as a side effect it looks like 16.1 got more "power". this will probably be adjusted down soon. They want to improve their rules support so its should be for the best even if there is (some ) room for improvement. my 2cts
  12. L1

    [inshore] meteo

    @vald70 la météo est simulée et VR possède une variété de modèles appliquée sur le plan d'eau. ( force, oscillation etc ) Comme en vrai voile il y a une part de chance, et, comme en vrai voile tu peux la minimiser (un peu) en ajustant ton placement. il n'y a pas d'effet de site, mais il y a des effets de risées. L'eau étant plus ou moins sombres, indique une force de vent vent ( c'est assez discret ) Aussi tu as l'option météo qui te donne une meilleur vison de celles ci et de l'orientation du vent au vent du plan d'eau. L1.
  13. Not the most useful information. VR is trying new mode of scoring. The time info allow to sort people with same score and same number of races. right now "time" means the duration it took to complete this score since start of challenge.
  14. This club is currently is in pause mode, as most of the discussion are happening in the main forum. here for casual issues, futur dev and non urgent problems http://forum.virtualregatta.com/forum/39-current-and-future-developing/ And here in generic forum using [inshore] prefix in post title for "urgent" issue. http://forum.virtualregatta.com/forum/8-indicate-a-bug/ Now if anyone want to start a thread here, for help or any subject, please do so.
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