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  1. Si tu penses que "le plus proche de l'arrivé" n'est pas la bonne méthode pour classer, tu le fais comment ton classement alors ? epicure PS: la planche à voile était au jeux à Rio, et sera aux jeux à Tokyo en 2020 et à Paris en 2024
  2. more information :) http://www.twitter.com/EpicureOlivier/status/1053584886056054786
  3. It will look like something like that :) :) :)
  4. are there any other qualified people ? Some women ? epicure
  5. crapulle


    Thanks aless. @SteveB yes it seems that they will pay the travel and the accommodation (as announced in several news). epicure
  6. crapulle


    @KZ-7 I get an invitation for Sarasota a few hours a go ! epicure
  7. crapulle


    @11962 thanks ! I was affected by the bug in my last to main races (32 and 33) losing some points, but I could made several winning extra races by navigating smoothly (and lost several of them because of the bug, but every body was affected...). @KZ-7 the final races of the playoffs effectively happened on September 30th, and there is nothing about a final round in the VR news and the described rules (see the eSailing WC ranking in the game interface). The sentence "The top XX will be directly qualified for the Play Off" is just the sentence that we see since several months for all the eSailling WC challenges and that is not relevant for the playoffs itself. epicure
  8. crapulle


    Yes, @[VR] Crew, can we have more information on the playoffs ? epicure
  9. @[VR] Crew, Bon c'est quand que vous faites quelque chose ? Il y a un grand nombre de cas qui sont vraiment ridicules ! En finale à Sarasota, les gars de la World Sailing ils vont bien rigoler ... epicure
  10. crapulle


    Je pense que laissemoigagner n'a rien à voir avec ce file de discussion (qui me semble réglé, vu que Mikle a compris le truc). D'ailleurs, laissemoigagner c'est qui ? C'est Bibiboat ? Boberack ? Le Godilleur ? Okvirtual ? NessCargo ? Le Joli Roger ? Bon c'est pas clair pour moi .... mais ils se ressemblent terriblement sur l'eau .... Ceci dit, en régate, tous ces bateaux sont plutôt correctes, mais je n'ai pas connu la préhistoire de VRI epicure
  11. crapulle


    And it should be a race after the 16th ... Mikle, please, stop your accusation, and try to become an adult. I break no rules ! We all break the ISAF rules because VR break them, and you in particular, so are you cheating ? Do you have something personal against me ? Strangely I remember no race against you... are you *really* cheating to avoid racing against top players ? epicure
  12. crapulle


    Most of the top players use this feature since months now! So now you arrive and you decide that we should stop (maybe only me ?), you are funny. By the way the feature is fair, you can use it and it is similar to the "remove the worst race" rule in some real competition. You should also know that it is far more easy (for a top player) to win a race as an anonymous boat than with a named boat. With epicure other players take a special care of me (without speaking of the pirates that like to kill the top player, and do not care that much about anonymous boat...). You can use two named boats, one which is your top boat and an other because you want to run more races (I've this: epicure and fils d'epicure). .epicure
  13. crapulle


    You are cheating by being anonymous and even changing your anonymous number at each challenge... Before accusing some players start by being fair! After that, for my self, I do not cheat, I use a feature of the game (and I am not alone). epicure
  14. Je confirme le problème de 1000: plein tribord tout droit route normal vers la bouée de gauche du premier portant à l'entrée de la zone des 3 longueurs un bateau arrive plein babord tout droit et me rentre dedans ... cest moi qui prend la pénalité !! Pour arrivée a coder un moteur de règles comme cela il faut être fort (en plus c'est "nouveau"). epicure
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