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Virtual Regatta Club House

Shit on so many levels

Harrier 25

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HI,  so no.1  although I am logged in it will not let me log in or acknowledge that I am registered  duh!

no.2 ant this is not entirely VR fault - POSSIBLY  but a note or apology or acknowlsedgement would be good

VR inshore - the latency on the rudder and other inputs makes the boats unsailable.

possibly if they had offered something slower than a 49er this would have been more manageable

having spent 100 credits to pirrouette uncontrollably and unable to even see the start line I am pretty pissed off.

I was a member of offshore and enjoyed several races with fiends,  I was looking forward to VR inshore which has been promoted heavily by the RYQ in the UK

I get that it may be the web is overwhelmed, but if so, before VR takes cash of folk and annoys the RYA and sailors round the world a public apology or some tweakingof the software might be wise .


I doubt I will get a response but heres hoping.

I hope everyone stays well and look after your loved ones.

regards from a disappointed sailor in the UK

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