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InShore rules


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Getting very annoyed now!!! Why am I getting penalties at the wing mark when someone comes from above, is later than me into the zone and then hits me on the windward side or in the stern?

Edited by kiwibob
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Hi Kiwibob, this is one of the issues VR has with the rules and I lost hope that they are interested in fixing those bugs. As it is a computergame, the rules of the game are the rules of the game and you have to learn what you can do and what you can't. But from a sailors perspective it is very unpleasant to find yourself penalised for being crashed by a windward boat or a boat clear astern and I think if world sailing wants to stick with VR as their official e-sailing championship software, they have to fix those bugs. I wonder if any official representative from world sailing ever watched a race or participated in a race to find out how wrong situations are judged by this software, officially promoted by world sailing.

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