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Virtual Regatta Club House

Vendee Team Challenge

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First of all, a team of 10 boats (REGULAR TEAM) must be selected: 5 of these 10 boats will compete in the ELITE class (generally made up of those who use the FP, for example), while the other 5 can be part of the HALF PACK or NO MONEY categories (HALF PACK: 1 PRO sail + C0 or 1 PRO Sail + foils - NO MONEY, only equipment that can be purchased with the credits granted for this race).
Other team members who have not been selected for REGULAR may compete in these categories.
And finally, those who compete in these categories must declare the equipment in advance.
Also planned is the NEWBIE category (skippers with a VRS greater than 40,000) for which there are no equipment limitations.
Each skipper can compete in several categories.
For each category, there is a team classification (if at least 5 boats are entered) and an individual classification, with the ejection of NEWBIEs, where only an individual classification is foreseen.

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