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Weypoints working weirdly.

Blue Peter

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The Caribean 600 is a zig-zag route, I therefore rigirously planted my waypoints to have either headings toward the prognosis of wind direction for VMG or straigtest possible route thru the isles.

And indeed zoomed in to get them buys right and not inland on an Island. Now all of a sudden my boat is on ground. WTH! 

What kind of a weypoint is one, that you miss by miles off, when closing in in constant wind? 

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5 hours ago, Williamine said:

Titik arah atau jadwal?

Berapa lama Anda menetapkan titik arah Anda? Angin diperbarui setiap 6 jam.

Seberapa jauh dari pantai titik arah Anda ditempatkan?  

Dll... dst...

Don’t understand a word of your dialect.

Understanding the basic definitions would however make a difference. A waypoint is fixed and not relative to any conditions, iy is like a lighthouse.

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Il y a 17 heures, Blue Peter a dit :

Don’t understand a word of your dialect.

Understanding the basic definitions would however make a difference. A waypoint is fixed and not relative to any conditions, iy is like a lighthouse.

Saya juga tidak mengerti dialek Anda! 
Dan mengapa saya, seorang penutur bahasa Prancis di forum berbahasa Prancis, harus berusaha menggunakan penerjemah ketika Anda yang memintanya?



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