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Inshore Upgrade Clarifications

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I don't do Inshore much...  usually just at times like now when I have zero Offshore races going.

I'm trying to get a better understanding of the options you can choose at the beginning of each race by spending green chips...  I can't find any Help or other discussion about this.  Am I missing it somewhere?

-Start ling timing.  I've seen what it does...  when you're pointed at the start line, it gives you the straight-line time to get there.  Is that at your current speed, or does it account for acceleration (which makes a big difference with F50s!)?

-Layline.  Seems pretty simple...  it just extends the laylines out to infinity, right?

-Best VMG.  This is the only one I've been spending green chips on.  Push B on the keyboard, and it steers VMG upwind or downwind for you.  Nice.  It seems to do it pretty well.  Do the best racers use it, though, or is it actually possible to do better with hand-steering if you're good at it?  And does this do anything else?

-Wind Shadow.  I've used this a couple times.  I can see that it shows you your shadow and your opponents' shadows, which is helpful.  My question is...  If you don't pay for this...  do you still have a shadow that you simply can't see?  If so, then the competition is fair and this is just for visibility.  But if you have to pay for this to have a wind shadow, then you need to be paying for this to be competitive.

-Wind intelligence.  Is this just the wind socks at the top of the chart?  What do they show?  Impending windshifts?  How far into the future?




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hi YM

start line timing : not really useful for upwind starts (imo), much more for reaching start as in F50 or nacra ... it gives a timing at your current speed then it changes if you are faster / slower or if an opponent put a shadow on / cover you

laylines help to not go out of the course ... always better to have a shorter distance 

best vmg is clearly mandatory ... your boat will perfectly follow the shifts and it gives you time to manage your tactic and the fleet

wind shadow is helpful when you begin ... then you should know the shadow  ... even if you DON'T pay for it, you have an effective shadow ... it's only visibility 

wind intelligence : you must take it ... the socks of you boat is the wind you have right now ... the socks of the little radar in the left corner is the future wind ... if you are at the bottom of the course, you will have it in 20 to 30 seconds ... at mid course, count 10 to 20 seconds ... at top edge, you will touch this windshift in a few seconds 

i do always use (in order of importance) vmg, wind intelligence, laylines & start timing for F50 

hope that's clear enough, cheers lmn

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il y a une heure, LaMerNoire - BSP a dit :

hi YM

start line timing : not really useful for upwind starts (imo), much more for reaching start as in F50 or nacra ... it gives a timing at your current speed then it changes if you are faster / slower or if an opponent put a shadow on / cover you

laylines help to not go out of the course ... always better to have a shorter distance 

best vmg is clearly mandatory ... your boat will perfectly follow the shifts and it gives you time to manage your tactic and the fleet

wind shadow is helpful when you begin ... then you should know the shadow  ... even if you DON'T pay for it, you have an effective shadow ... it's only visibility 

wind intelligence : you must take it ... the socks of you boat is the wind you have right now ... the socks of the little radar in the left corner is the future wind ... if you are at the bottom of the course, you will have it in 20 to 30 seconds ... at mid course, count 10 to 20 seconds ... at top edge, you will touch this windshift in a few seconds 

i do always use (in order of importance) vmg, wind intelligence, laylines & start timing for F50 

hope that's clear enough, cheers lmn


So I guess you and the others who take this seriously are spending money to buy green chips, then?  I don't care enough about it to put money into it...  So I use VMG only for maybe half my races, and nothing the rest of the time.

Interesting that the wind sock information is so critical.  Since I never use it (except when the game gives all options, which seems to be for the first race of each event), I hadn't figured out the timing yet, so I didn't pay much attention to it.  I've just been sailing for dark water and hoping the shifts will average out.

The truth is, though...  I foul other boats way to much, which has nothing to do with options.  I know the rules, and in real life, I can control my boat quite well and avoid contact, but...  in the game, I find it very difficult to avoid contact without over-steering, etc.  And then sometimes downwind I'll gybe into a boat I didn't know was there, etc.  And I frequently approach the windward mark on port tack and decide it's better to plow in there and eat the foul than waste time trying to avoid the inevitable.  I guess if I was paying for the options, sometimes I might be able to get out in front of the carnage, though.



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there are few green tokens in the cans ... either you pay or you play without
other option : you make pro races ... the bet is 100 red and if you win, you earn 250 which gives you the possibility to buy green tokens for free
it's like offshore: the better your results, the more credits you earn

when you say : "And then sometimes downwind I'll gybe into a boat I didn't know was there" ... i guess you play with 3D view ... imo, 2D  gives you a better view of the positioning of your direct opponents ... you can also see them in 3D but you have to play with the cameras which is a waste of time in dangerous situations

dark water gives you the best pressure but not necessary the good shift 

then over-steering often happens when you play a little ... after a few days, you'll manage it

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