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Virtual Regatta Club House

1 VS 1 match race

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Bonjour fra, as tu déjà fait du MR ? 

parce qu'il n'y a pas de comportement détestable, juste une ligne de départ et d'arrivée.

Oui les régles VR sont parfois discutables (très discutable par endroit), ce sont néanmoins les mêmes pour les 2 concurrents et en ce moment elles ont le mérite d’être assez déterministes.


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Salut. je suis en partie d'accord. N'empeche que je t'ai vu aller loin pour "profiter" des règles même si celà ne servait à rien...Aller chercher une faute a la descente en te déroutant lors que tu as déjà 40m d'avance franchement....

Mais je t'accorde que puisque c'est permis....


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L1, I spectated one of your races maybe 2 weeks ago. You were leading a guest, you rounded the windward mark and luffed up ~45° from your proper course (to leeward gate) and inflicted a R10 penalty on the trailing boat that was still on the windward leg. This may be the type of incident that happened to Fra47?

This move breaks 24.2 and when I was match racing, boats were often black flagged for this type of move. In this game, it is amazing how many trailing boats on the beat break off from their proper course to try to take out the leader who is on the run. I have competed in about 90 races (mostly as a guest) and have seen this type of move in maybe 10% of races?


24.2 If reasonably possible, a boat shall not interfere with a boat that is
taking a penalty, sailing on another leg or subject to rule 22.1.
However, after the starting signal this rule does not apply when the
boat is sailing her proper course.


Edited by Crofter
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Crofter I agree in the general sense, although this move *can* be legit in some situation but indeed may be risky. 

In this case I can only say 

- There is no proper course in vssr...  i wish there was but... ( if so overlap would also need to be better signaled ) 

- Wind shadow downwind is overly shaped an overly powerful ( although its my belief they lowered it recently)  so there is a reward to slow the trailing boat.

- And also i am experimenting the boundaries here... so this might have been one of those.

And rules are the same for all, so it may not be academic MR ( and its definitly not because of bogus rules)  its close enough MR to me.


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