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Virtual Regatta Club House

Steering (PC web app)


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Does anyone seem to randomly lose control at marks? Today I was winning a race at the leeward mark, setting up for a nice smooth rounding, then all of a sudden the boat rounded up abruptly and hit the mark 😡. I did not have VMG assist active, so it couldn't have been that, and I was just gradually tapping the arrow keys to round up. What the heck???

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oui c'est frustrant quand ça arrive, je pourrais faire une blague et dire que c'est un nouveau programme de distanciation sociale, en vous gardant à 6 pieds des autres bateaux, lol ..... mais malheureusement c'est juste un problème de mémoire ou de connexion. Essayez de redémarrer votre modem et de vider votre cache sur votre navigateur. cela devrait aider. soyez en sécurité.

yes it's frustrating when it happens, i could make a joke and say it's a new social distancing program, keeping you 6 feet from other boats, lol ..... but unfortunately it's just a memory or connection problem. Try restarting your modem and clearing your cache on your browser. that should help. be safe


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Le 02/04/2020 à 21:58, Vector a dit :

oui c'est frustrant quand ça arrive, je pourrais faire une blague et dire que c'est un nouveau programme de distanciation sociale, en vous gardant à 6 pieds des autres bateaux, lol ..... mais malheureusement c'est juste un problème de mémoire ou de connexion. Essayez de redémarrer votre modem et de vider votre cache sur votre navigateur. cela devrait aider. soyez en sécurité.

yes it's frustrating when it happens, i could make a joke and say it's a new social distancing program, keeping you 6 feet from other boats, lol ..... but unfortunately it's just a memory or connection problem. Try restarting your modem and clearing your cache on your browser. that should help. be safe


No memory nor connection problem, restarting modem and clearing cache on my browser but still  have same bad behavior.

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I have now tried playing on a new iPad and the control response is far better than on my three year old laptop.  However, it doesn't work so well if you use an Apple Bluetooth keyboard. This is a pity, as you use the loose the ability to zoom in and out and to use 'R' to give you reverse view.

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I've had the same mutiple times tonight, I've lost the lead twice because of it. On the first the boat turn abruptly and hit a mark and the other was as I was tacking onto the lay line it suddenly over tacked by 90 degrees. I had to tack 180 degrees to get back across the lay line and of course most of the fleet sailed by.

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Yeah be careful with holding the controls. Especially at busy hours the connection to the server can be problematic. Try to tap the controls instead of holding them and use the tacking button for tacks until VR Inshore gets servers that can manage the thousands of new players.

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I agree with skutsje.  When the servers are busy steering becomes jerky, boats shoot off in an unexpected directions.  Mostly at the pre-start and roundings where we steer manually. 

Even when tapping the controls it can be unpredictable.  Very frustrating, better to stop playing and come back later.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Let's face it guys, while the graphics and the boat characteristics are superb, its ability to listen to the keyboard is crap. Not being able to steer with any confidence totally spoils any enjoyment of the game. I have tried several combinations of three different computers, four different browsers both with and without hardware assistance turned on. Curiously, it seems to work slightly better with hardware assistance turned off on a reasonable fast machine.

For the technical among you, this is what I think. The game does not require the installation of any plugins which implies that the programming that runs on your device is all done in javascript.  Javascript key-up/key-down events are taken from the javascript queue in strict order. If the javascript engine is busy doing something for a few hundred milliseconds it will not know about a key press until it has finished the task. I'd love to take a look at the code to see exactly what it's up to. Maybe it could be improved - or maybe attempting to design a game like this using javascript is 'just a bit too much of an ask'.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm afraid I have exactly the same problem with a laptop. You can tap away and nothing happens, then you hold arrow buttons for a while longer and the damn boat does a 360. It totally spoils the game. Going to try hard wiring laptop to modem, see if it improves matters at all.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Good day every one, I have the very same problems with the key board trying to anticipate what will happen when I push the arrow keys, this is new to me, I'm use to hands on the tiller sat in the boat which give you a better view of what is around you, this program is limited in it view window you can't see all the boats around you accurately enough at the start. Can any one recommend a good gaming keyboard, perhaps that would work. 

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