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Virtual Regatta Club House

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  • Open Club  ·  10 members  ·  Last active

    Club ouvert à tous les navigateurs virtuels n'utilisant pas de routeurs. Le but premier du club est de définir les règles du Challenge NAP.

  • Closed Club  ·  1 member  ·  Last active

    Regatte en solitaire ;-)
  • Closed Club  ·  2 members

    A la base ce club regroupe les joueurs qui ont un Beneteau et font le tour du monde sous l'étiquette Oceanis Tour. Basically, this club brings together players who have a Beneteau and travel around the world under the Oceanis Tour label.

  • Closed Club  ·  5 members  ·  Last active

    Club privé - carte membre obligatoire -
  • Closed Club  ·  4 members  ·  Last active

    Si tu es débutant (ou pas) et que tu veux apprendre plein de choses. C'est par ici que ça se passe.... Et si tu donnes le nom de ton bateau, tu pourras être dans le classement du club...

  • Closed Club  ·  3 members  ·  Last active

    Welcome to the eSailing home page of NNYC. The Neenah-Nodaway Yacht Club (NNYC) has been in existence since 1864, making it one of the oldest Yacht Clubs in the country. During the years since our founding the NNYC has been committed to promoting sailing for individuals of all ages by sponsoring club racing and cruising for many types of boats, participation in Lake Winnebago events, helping to support the Fox Valley Sailing School, and taking part in many community events. When the NNYC was formed it set out to accomplish three goals which are still the cornerstone of our existence: 1. To promote pleasure sailing and racing on Lake Winnebago. 2. To establish a standard code of rules and signals for the Lake. 3. To discourage extravagant expenditure in yachting.

  • Closed Club  ·  13 members  ·  Last active

    TEAM TSC - SQUADRA CORSA : Rispettu di a bandera, Spiritu di lotta, Sulidarità i Umilità. VINCE PER ÙN MORE !
  • Closed Club  ·  7 members  ·  Last active

    Ici, on aime tout..mais la mer à la voile d'abord

  • Closed Club  ·  20 members  ·  Last active

    This club hasn't provided a description.

  • Closed Club  ·  5 members  ·  Last active

    Passionné de Voile Virtuel du Maine et Loire

  • Closed Club  ·  2 members  ·  Last active

    à venir

  • Open Club  ·  5 members  ·  Last active

    Le club des Cagouillards ! pour les membres du groupe : Charente-Maritime 17, et autres...
  • Closed Club  ·  3 members  ·  Last active

    Itxaso bareetan eta ekaitz handietam denok batera lau haizetara. Todos juntos a los cuatro vientos con la mar en calma o en las grandes tormentas. Tous ensemble aux quatre vents avec la mer calme ou dans les grandes tempêtes. All together to the four winds with the sea calm or in the great storms.
  • Open Club  ·  20 members  ·  Last active

    L'AUVergne dans le vent des Globes , bienvenue aux navigateurs AUVergnat

  • Closed Club  ·  2 members  ·  Last active


  • Closed Club  ·  3 members

    The St Edmundsbury Sailing & Canoeing Association's virtual sailing club. Otherwise sailing at Lackford Lake, near Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, UK. www.westsuffolksailing.co.uk

  • Closed Club  ·  10 members  ·  Last active

    A club for active competitive sailors who want to learn and grow with a team of helpful good people from a team called (_....AUSTRALIA...._) We love sailing here and are here to help sailors and grow an amazing loyal team of skippers. Life is for living! No stress here. Be as competitive as you can ....and ask for help. Join our sailing team to become a member

  • Closed Club  ·  6 members  ·  Last active

    regouper les joueurs de la team pour echanger sur les stratégies de chacun et surtout creer un lien entre les membres queluesoit le niveau de chacun

  • Closed Club  ·  2 members

    The club was established in 1998 to promote sailing amongst the staff of the international organizations and missions. Membership is open to all staff of the VIC and other international organisations who hold a VIC grounds pass, members of missions and embassies, their dependants and invited guests.

  • Closed Club  ·  7 members  ·  Last active

    Normands and Co

  • Closed Club  ·  3 members

    Du vent pixélisé, mais des amis bien vrais et des dodos bien fraîches !

  • Closed Club  ·  6 members  ·  Last active

    partage de connaisances entreaide idées etc

  • Closed Club  ·  2 members  ·  Last active

    Here at GAY we are dedicated inshore e-sailors who are looking to build the skills to compete on a national and international level. We host our own events so join if you want to race!

  • Closed Club  ·  1 member  ·  Last active

    Vous voulez comparer votre total de points avec celui de vos amis? Do you want to compare your general total of points with your friends'one? Alors donnez votre nombre de points général et recevez le tableau comparatif. Then, record here your total of points and received the comparison spread sheet. Every body can register, from level 1 to 14 Tout le monde peut s'inscrire, du niveau 1 au niveau 14. Plus nous serons nombreux et plus cela sera intéressant. The more we'll be the more interesting it will be.

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