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Closed Club · 3 members · Last active
Welcome to the eSailing home page of NNYC. The Neenah-Nodaway Yacht Club (NNYC) has been in existence since 1864, making it one of the oldest Yacht Clubs in the country. During the years since our founding the NNYC has been committed to promoting sailing for individuals of all ages by sponsoring club racing and cruising for many types of boats, participation in Lake Winnebago events, helping to support the Fox Valley Sailing School, and taking part in many community events. When the NNYC was formed it set out to accomplish three goals which are still the cornerstone of our existence: 1. To promote pleasure sailing and racing on Lake Winnebago. 2. To establish a standard code of rules and signals for the Lake. 3. To discourage extravagant expenditure in yachting.
Closed Club · 10 members · Last active
A club for active competitive sailors who want to learn and grow with a team of helpful good people from a team called (_....AUSTRALIA...._) We love sailing here and are here to help sailors and grow an amazing loyal team of skippers. Life is for living! No stress here. Be as competitive as you can ....and ask for help. Join our sailing team to become a member
Closed Club · 1 member · Last active
Vous voulez comparer votre total de points avec celui de vos amis? Do you want to compare your general total of points with your friends'one? Alors donnez votre nombre de points général et recevez le tableau comparatif. Then, record here your total of points and received the comparison spread sheet. Every body can register, from level 1 to 14 Tout le monde peut s'inscrire, du niveau 1 au niveau 14. Plus nous serons nombreux et plus cela sera intéressant. The more we'll be the more interesting it will be.
Closed Club · 4 members · Last active
Le Team_Dz29 a pour ambition de réunir tous les adeptes de la voile virtuelle du pays de Douarnenez afin de partager un même plaisir celui de la navigation dans tous les pays du monde. C'est en même temps un challenge pour que la motivation reste intacte quelque soit le classement: il y a toujours un "pays" pas très loin ! C'est aussi des moments privilégiés d'échange.
Open Club · 11 members · Last active